Monday, February 27, 2017

Romans 15:1
The strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak.  If someone is struggling with a sin that the Lord helped me to overcome, I should help my weaker brother in the same.  I know in my life my tongue is a weak area.  I tend to use it to tear down instead of edification.  Edifying gives life, but my lips are often used to poison and destroy.  So I need to go to a stronger brother.  I need to have discipleship in the area of building up.  Someone who mastered this area, that they can help bear my infirmity.  Then say I overcome this area in my life, I need to bear the burden for someone else.  I need to show them how to.  I need to lead them to the cross.  Then if they overcome it, they need to help someone else too.  Also in the whole process the person bearing the burden, mustn’t become head strong.  They can not brag about how good they are and that they are better because they don’t destroy peoples joy anymore.  They need to be humble, and they need to be loving.  Also when the other person through God overcomes the sin, they can’t brag that they made that person overcome the sin.  No, it was God and not man.  Man sucks.  Man is wicked, but God is perfect.  We need God to help us with our issues.  When I read this verse I see a crippled dude in the streets fall over and he can’t get up.  I then see a healthy dude come over and pick him up and help him walk again.  In the same way this is how Christianity should be walked out.  We have to help the crippled man walk again.  Today I will keep being discipled by the whole program.  I will let them mold me.  I am the crippled man and Potter’s Field is in the process of picking me up.  I won’t fight them picking me up I need help walking again.  

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