Monday, February 13, 2017

Psalm 17:15
To behold God’s face, one must be in righteous.  I will be content when I awake in your likeness.  All it takes to be content is to be like God, but how can I be like God?  Well we see this in His word.  His many attributes: Peace, Provider, Protecter, Patient, Love, and so forth and so on.  Love though is super important.  In first John it says, “Let us love one another, for love is of God and anyone who liveth not, knoweth not God, for God is love.”  In order to be like God, I must be loving.  And if I’m like God, then I will finally be content.  It doesn’t say if I am God I’ll be content, Lucifer for example.  It says if I am like God.  If I have attributes of God in my life I will reach this contentment.  Also notice as he says, as I awake.  It’s a continual practice, it’s not gained at once, I want to be content.  I want these Godly attributes in my life, but how?  I must study the words of God and seek out what His attributes are.  Benjamin Franklin, I know not the best example, but he would write out different attributes of God and work at one at a time for once a month.  This is a good plan, but for him it was all vain as he was not a Christian, but for me I can apply this in my life by finding an attribute of God in the word and then apply it to my life.  For example today I will work on love, Godly Biblical love.  Instead of getting upset at someone I will love them selflessly.  If someone wants my Chikys (Haha I don’t have any). I will share them, or something along those lines.  I can only do this however by the help of God.  So I have to pray for God’s love to work through my life and let me love others as He did.

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