Friday, February 3, 2017

Hebrews 6:12

“Be not slothful.”  says Hebrews.  It then goes on to say, “But followers of them through faith and patience inherit the promises.”  Now who are these men or women that are our examples?  My first example would be Noah, Noah was told by God to build an ark.  Noah was told it was going to rain.  At this point it had never rained before, so I mean, what was Noah thinking, I can’t even imagine.  He out of faith built the ark, even whilst being mocked.  He practiced patience, he could have so easily given up, but through perseverance, he built that ark and God kept His promise and saved Noah and his family.  For my second example I’ll use Abraham.  Abraham was called to leave his fathers country.  He talked with God, and had never even heard of God before.  He got up not knowing where to go and just went.  Through him is the whole Jewish nation.  God kept His promise and still is keeping His promise with Him.  I think Abraham knew that He wasn’t going to have innumerable amounts of kids right away.  Abraham had to practice patience and faith, but through it, is still being blessed with children.  Even as I speak another Jewish child was born.  For my final example we have Sara.  Sara was told she was going to have a child and laughed.  She was an old lady at this point and was unable to have children due to this.  She did not practice faith right away, but she eventually held onto the promises of God and gave birth to Issac.  She practiced patience, God told her she was going to have a child.  That’s at least a nine month process.  They don’t just appear via-stork.  My application today is to practice patience and faith.  We all know at least one of God’s promises in our lives, which is where we are going for field time.  I know I’m heading to Uganda, but I need to not be in Uganda right now, I need to be in Guatemala.  I need to practice faith and patience that in God’s timing I will be in Uganda serving Him.  So I will do this by giving 100% of my effort and love to the Guatemalans, even if I’m on toilet duty for kids club again, I will faithfully serve while there and I will not complain like I did on Wednesday.

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