Friday, February 3, 2017

Revelation 1:9

John had to wait patiently for the word of God to come to him.  John was sent to the island of Patmos for exile for nothing more than preaching the name of Christ.  I want that in my life.  I want to be able to patiently wait for God’s word.  In modern days we want instant satisfaction.  We want it now, the new iphone, computer, camera, in my case a new bicycle.  We don’t just want them, but we want them now.  We should practice patience more, I should practice patience more.  Patience is more than a character, it’s a lifestyle.  I say this because everything in life requires a little patience.  John goes on to say a companion in tribulation.  A friend in times of pain or sorrow.  John went through beatings and exile, we get upset when someone cuts us off in traffic, or cuts in front of us in line at the grocery store.  The apostles were beat man.  I need to be in my bible all the time in case of times of persecution.  I don’t want to be the weak Christian that gives in, I want to be strong and if times of pain and torture come, I want to be able to stand in the fire with the love of God in my heart.  Paul mentions of all his trials in the name of Jesus in the book of 2 Corinthians.  That is a man of God, I want to be a man of God.  Today I want to be able to patiently wait for God to speak to me.  I want to know what God has in store for me, so I will ask Him in prayer and patiently wait for an answer.  I will be in the word so if times of persecution come I may know what God’s promises to me are, and I will be able to share the same grace that I received to my persecutors.

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